10亿!深圳亚马逊智能家居大牌完成C轮融资bulk follow Instagram

不久之前,亚马逊智能家居大牌Aqara所属公司绿米联创宣布 ,公司完成C轮10亿元融资,这也是今年IoT领域 大的融资之一。本轮融资的投资方为深创投、愉悦资本、 电信、景林资产、众源资本和联通中金。

Not long ago, LVMI Lianchuang, a company affiliated to Amazon smart home brand aqara, announced that the company had completed round C financing of 1 billion yuan, which is also one of the largest financing in the field of IOT this year. The investors in this round of financing are Shenzhen Venture Capital, happy capital, China Telecom, Jinglin assets, Zhongyuan capital and China Unicom CICC.bulk follow Instagram

根据其 融资发布的内容,Aqara目前有 1000多人团队,拥有行业领先的研发能力,包括人工智能、大数据、App R&D、云平台R&D等。,R&D人员占50%以上。公司创始人游延云是世界自动化和控制技术领域的 家。他参与了公司重要专利的提出,共提出了224项专利。

Aqara是 早一批入局 “智能家居” 的企业之一,拥有强大的技术基因,产品覆盖温度、湿度、大气压、人体、门窗、水浸、烟雾、天然气、TVOC、光照度、心率、呼吸率、体动数、动静、倾斜、声音等各类传感器,以及智能开关、插座、窗帘电机、空调控制器、调光器、门锁等各类智能控制器。拥有 200 多款设备接入Apple HomeKit,20多款产品入驻Apple Store商店。

截至目前,已有30多个品类,500多个自研 SKU,该行业自主研发的产品数量在全国处于领先地位,拥有800多项专利申请。与此同时,该产品已与小米家、苹果相连Apple HomeKit、Google Assistant、Amazon Alexa等多个平台,与世界各地众多智能产品互联互通。





在TikTok上,Aqara的 账号则同时导流向其亚马逊品牌店铺和公司独立站。


To obtain financing, you Yanyun, founder of aqara, has a broader vision: in the future, aqara will continue to lead the development of IOT technology, deliver world-class solutions for more users, and let more people feel that they understand your smart home. At the same time, relying on aqara's advanced technology and products, more industries will be empowered to promote the realization of carbon neutralization goal.bulk follow Instagram

智能家居是当前 热的赛道之一,资本对此非常关注。而Aqara通过多年的积累,在爆款产品开发,乃至全屋智能解决方案上,都形成了核心竞争力,成为行业头部,自然也更受关注,拿到像深创投这样知名机构的融资。
